Archives of Theses (APD) – instructions for students
The current legal act concerning the graduation process at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science is Resolution of the Faculty Council No. 216 on guidelines for the diploma process and the Rules of Study at the University of Lodz enacted by Resolution No. 449 of the Senate of the University of Lodz on 14 June 2019.
The thesis review shall include:
Thesis reviews are public and are placed in the APD system - except in the case where the reviews concern theses containing information subject to the protection of confidential information (Act 2.0 Art. 347 p.2.).
Questions for the examination shall relate to the diploma thesis and to issues related both to the specialisation studied and to general problems related to the study programme.
The diploma student's answer to each question must be assessed by the examiners. The grade for the diploma exam is the arithmetic mean of the grades for the individual questions according to the rules specified in the Rules of Study (Chapter X). The prerequisite for passing the diploma exam is a pass grade on each of the questions.
The Thesis grade is the arithmetic mean of the grades given by a reviewer and the supervisor in the reviews according to the rules specified in the Rules of Study (Chapter X).
The course leader of the degree projects (last two semesters of study) consults the thesis supervisor when passing the degree projects.
A reviewer of the diploma thesis shall be appointed, in agreement with the thesis supervisor, by the head of the unit in which the thesis is being written, where the supervisor or a reviewer shall hold an academic title a post-doctoral degree. Rules of conduct in other cases are laid down in the Rules of Study.
The student uploads the thesis into the APD (Archive of Theses) system and, once it has been finally approved by the supervisor, and next follows the applicable regulations.
Theses created in collaboration with companies must not be uploaded to the APD if they contain information subject to the protection of confidential information (Act 2.0 Art. 347 p.2.)
The supervisor is obliged to control the self-authorship of the thesis using the Uniform Anti-plagiarism System - JSA.
Other duties of the supervisor and a Reviewer are specified in the Rules of Study - Chapter IX.
The guidelines for the diploma process at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Lodz valid from the academic year 2020/21, introduced on July 1, 2020 by Resolution No. 216 (being an update of Resolution No. 173 of June 12, 2019) define in details the diploma examination and the necessary conditions for passing them.
Starting from the academic year 2019/20 academic year, tests – Written credit for the seminar – are organised, the result of which is an integral part of the final grade in the course in preparation for the future Diploma Examination. The concept and form of the test as well as the criteria for its assessment have been established by the Diploma Committee in consultation with the Vice-Dean for Students and Education.
From the academic year 2021/2022, the written credit for the seminar will be carried out in first and second cycle studies, both intramural and extramural, as part of a course being the form of a seminar preparing for the master’s, engineer’s and bachelor’s exam.
The scope of material for the written seminar credit includes topics for the bachelor’s degree exam common to all specializations of first-cycle studies in the Mathematics and Computer Science majors for second-cycle studies and the same scope of material; however, limited to topics pursued in the first two years of study in the case of the written bachelor’s seminar credit for first-cycle studies.
The written credit for the seminar is a multiple-choice test. It consists of 25 closed tasks with three possible solutions to choose from. For each task, three questions must be answered by selecting yes or no. For each correct answer in the task, the student can get 1 point. Moreover, 1 additional point is added for the correct solution of the entire task. Thus, student can get a total of 4 points from a single task (for giving all correct answers). The threshold of points necessary to pass the test is 50, which is 50% of all points that can be obtained.
The test lasts for 60 minutes
The test shall be carried out on the Moodle platform remotely (online via MsTeams) or in an IT lab at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science depending on the course of study.
First approach:
Computer Science (Bachelor degree): 10.01.2024 (Wednesday), 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM online
Computer Science (Master degree): 10.01.2024 (Wednesday), 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM online
Second approach:
will be announced